Croatia by the Glass



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This website and the content on this website is the property of the Agency and as such is protected by copyright. Certain elements may be the property of third parties, but in this case the Agency has a valid right of use. Unauthorized use of any part of the website without the permission of the Agency is considered a violation of copyright. Documents, data, information, photos and/or video materials published on the website may not be reproduced, distributed or in any way used for commercial purposes without the express consent of the Agency or in any way that may cause damage to the Agency and/or any to a third party. Documents, data, information, photos and/or video materials published on these websites can only be used for the individual needs of the user while respecting all copyright and ownership rights and the rights of third parties.



By using the website, the user accepts all possible risks arising from the use of this website and accepts to use this website at his own risk.

The Agency must at all times maintain the up-to-dateness and functionality of the website, but in no case can it guarantee the same, therefore the Agency cannot be called to any responsibility due to the possible unavailability of the website and/or errors in the operation of the website. The Agency will try to resolve such a situation as soon as possible, either by reference to the situation by the user or by its observation of the situation.

The Agency disclaims any liability that may arise from any use and/or misuse of this website. The user who uses the website or has committed abuse while using the website is solely responsible for any damage and/or other consequences that may result from such behavior.

The Agency uses links on this website to other websites that are not owned or controlled by it. Therefore, the Agency is not responsible for the use of these links. Each user independently decides whether to use the link and assumes responsibility for its use. The Agency is not responsible for the accuracy of information and/or content on these websites.



When you use this website, we collect your personal data about you. Detailed information on the overall method of personal data processing is available in the document - Data Protection Policy.



This website uses "cookies" in its work, which enable the proper operation of the site and its improvement, all for the purpose of providing the best possible user experience. "Cookies" are small files that the internet browser (eng. "web browser") stores on a computer, mobile device, or some other device with which the user visited an internet site, and which are used for various purposes, e.g. for web analysis, measurement number of visitors, analysis of searches, language settings, etc. "Cookies" provide the possibility of storing the characteristic preferences of website visitors, optimizing technical processes, and continuously improving the offer. Placing "cookies" on the user's devices and reading information already stored on the device is done with the user's consent and prior clear information about which data will be collected and for what purpose. It is also possible to prevent the storage of "cookies", but in this connection, the limited offer of this website is also possible. Only "cookies" that are technically necessary for communication between the user's equipment and this website or to provide a service at the user's request are exempt from consent.



The Agency reserves the right to change the content of the website and/or the conditions of use of this website, at any time, without any restrictions and/or liability. Changes take effect on the date of publication on this website.



These website terms of use shall come into force on the date of publication on this website.

In Zagreb, 27.12.2023. 

društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću
za turizam i usluge, turistička agencija
Labinska 8, 10000 Zagreb
Republika Hrvatska
OIB: 63569146827



Statement on protection of personal data transfer

"Protection of personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council No. 2016/679-Regulation and Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation

Monri WSPay, as an executor of credit card authorization and billing, handles personal data in its capacity as a processor and handles personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council No. 2016/679 and according to the strict rules of the PCI DSS L1 regulation on data protection and data transmission."


Monri WSPay Usage Statement

"Hrvatska na cašu d.o.o. uses Monri WSPay for online payments.

Monri WSPay is a secure system for online payments, real-time payments, credit and debit cards and other payment methods. Monri WSPay provides customers and merchants with secure entry and transfer of entered card data, which is confirmed by the PCI DSS certificate that Monri WSPay has. Monri WSPay uses an SSL certificate of 256-bit encryption and TLS 1.2 cryptographic protocol as the highest level of protection when entering and transferring data."


Statement on the protection and collection of personal data and their use

"Hrvatska na cašu d.o.o. undertakes to provide protection to customers' personal data, in such a way that it collects only necessary, basic data about customers/users that are necessary for the fulfillment of our obligations; informs customers about the use of the collected data, regularly gives customers the opportunity to choose about the use of their data, including the ability to decide whether or not they want their name removed from lists used for marketing campaigns. All user data is strictly kept and is only available to employees who need this data to perform their work. All employees of HRVATSKA NA ČAŠU and business partners are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection."