Kutjevo - Gold of Vallis Aurea

Slavonia and Danube


The significance of the old Roman Vallis Aurea and the quality of its local wines, namely Graševina, has for a while now been the subject of interest for the world's most important "noses”. As a result of this recognition by the opinion-makers, these wines finally placed Croatia on the world wine map. The vineyards of Kutjevo stretch across the Papuk mountain, a UNESCO-protected geopark (one of two geoparks in Croatia out of 150 globally), where the natural harmony hides an exceptional diversity of terroirs, making the local wines so aromatic and unique. Besides the Romans, the Cistercians and Templars left their wine mark in Kutjevo, evidenced by some of Croatia's oldest cellars, dating back to the early 13th century. Legends speak of the famous guests who visited these areas, enjoying the wines as well as other passions – from Madame Cliquot-Ponsardin to Her Majesty Empress Maria Theresa herself.

As is customary in Slavonia, wines are accompanied by food and song. "Bećarac" is the hallmark of this region. Its humorous, provocative verses and catchy melody will easily make you laugh and relax. Here, not only are the songs hot – the food is hearty, rich, and spicy. Its status is almost sacred, and no expense is spared on it – with Slavonian hospitality delivering full plates and even fuller glasses. Indeed, with spicy kulen or crispy cracklings, shepherd's stew, or meat prepared in a hundred and one ways, there's no better accompaniment than a glass of fresh and characterful local wine. The cellars of an old castle, state-of-the-art wineries, and even small garage wineries beckon you to discover this up-and-coming wine region of Europe.



210 €

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098 663 569
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